Unscramble Me This

Welcome to Unscramble Me This!

In this activity, you will be presented with 10 Subeta Items that Aditya found while cleaning the Honeycomb. For some reason, however, they are all scrambled up!

Your challenge is to help Aditya make them make sense again!

★ HINT! You might notice one word is the same throughout the list of words. Use this to your advantage to help solve this dilemma faster!

Participation Rules

Words must be spelt correctly to be eligible for prizes
Please post your words under a spoiler tag in the activity thread.
You're free to use Subeta's search engine, as well as Subetalodge in your quest to aid Aditya.
We trust you not to take a peep at other bee's answers!

Important Information

This activity will be available from:
September 1st - 14th


Partipation: 15 PP for each correctly unscrambled Item.

Scrambled Items

raeis uhielsp
beul lbniidug uhielsp
iptcave mlsaed uhielsp
noomcm bmubus uhielsp
rkda aimlb uhielsp
kdus yppha hainsfo uhielsp
derang atryp ttkiy uhielsp
geren oseuivnr reab uhielsp
eky to my etufdfs etrah uhielsp
ulna uhielsp